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华尔街Fintech俱乐部一周要闻(3/18/2019-3/24/2019) WSFC本周编译:潘雯静 华尔街资深专家带你五分钟了解国外国内Fintech一周要闻。
A non-profit Organisation for Fintech Research
华尔街Fintech俱乐部一周要闻(3/18/2019-3/24/2019) WSFC本周编译:潘雯静 华尔街资深专家带你五分钟了解国外国内Fintech一周要闻。
华尔街Fintech俱乐部一周要闻(12/25/2017-12/31/2017) WSFC本周编译:周华瑛 华尔街资深专家带你五分钟了解全球Fintech一周要闻。 版权声明:此新闻系华尔街Fintech 俱乐部(WSFC)精心编译。转载请发布此声明并符合文末转载要求,WSFC是创建于纽约由华尔街资深金融从业人士组建的研究平台,www.wallstreetfintechclub.com。微信公众号:华尔街Fintech俱乐部。
华尔街Fintech俱乐部一周要闻(07/24/2017-07/30/2017) WSFC本周编译:周华瑛 华尔街资深专家带你五分钟了解全球Fintech一周要闻。 版权声明:此新闻系华尔街Fintech 俱乐部(WSFC)精心编译。转载请发布此声明并符合文末转载要求,WSFC是创建于纽约由华尔街资深金融从业人士组建的研究平台,www.wallstreetfintechclub.com。微信公众号:华尔街Fintech俱乐部。
Annual banking forecast of trends compiled from global financial services leaders, industry analysts and banking organizations worldwide. Source: Top 10 Retail Banking Trends and Predictions for 2017
Wal-Mart, like other retailers, has tried for years to improve traceability and transparency in the food supply chain but growers, packers and shippers cannot always supply all the data needed. But today blockchain ledgers, along with the smartphones and cloud computing, could make deep food chain traceability possible, Frank Yiannas, vice president of food safety…
Fintech Business is focused on the evolving Australian Fintech community and its projection on the global stage. Source: Blockchain’s impact ‘won’t happen overnight’
LendingClub Corp. took additional steps to improve the returns that investors get buying loans from its online platform, raising interest rates that it charges and tightening credit standards for at least the second time this year. Source: LendingClub Raises Rates, Tightens Credit as Delinquencies Climb – Bloomberg
test foto: dpa 据德国商报报道,根据德国财政部财政部委托进行的一项研究中,新兴的“Fintechs”公司的业务将能迅速扩张。究竟能有多快发展,改研究并没有明确指出。 (柏林)Fintech 公司正和传统的金融企业展开竞争,并不断扩大自己的业务。 这些年轻公司有许多传统银行没有的优势, 通过现代金融科技,让客户拥有更优惠的积蓄利润,更便捷支付,更简单快捷的得到贷款。 来源:http://www.handelsblatt.com/my/unternehmen/banken-versicherungen/fintechs-hoffen-auf-den-boom-in-deutschland-/14868710.html
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